National Corvette Restorers Society
Indiana Chapter
We would like to invite you to join in the Corvette fun right here in Indiana. The Indiana Chapter has been serving the Indiana members of the NCRS since 1984. We are dedicated to the same principles as the National Corvette Restorers Society, on the national level, the restoration, preservation, history and enjoyment of Corvettes made from the model years 1953 through 2006.
The Indiana Chapter is able to offer many of the same activities you will find at National Corvette Restorers Society events, only closer to home.
Opportunities to learn about the Corvette hobby
Judging seminars to update old time judges and initiate new judges. Also a good way for you to learn what the judges will be looking for on your car.
Due to Covid-19 many Judging Schools were virtual. We have a collection of Judging Schools and Seminars co-sponsored by Indiana Chapter and Heart of Ohio chapter. during Covid-19 You can view the recorded videos from this page.
You can meet the people in your area that have years of experience with Corvettes and the NCRS. Indiana Chapter members will welcome you and be glad to answer questions or tell you about their experiences with vendors and shops in Indiana and around the country.
First Class Corvette Meet
The Indiana Chapter now holds a least one Judging Meet every year. Usually in early spring. We would love to have you attend. Great Cars and Great Friends.. For details of upcoming events see the list on the events page.
The NCRS National Convention will be in French Lick, Indiana in July of 2020. We will have NCRS members from all over the country and several other countries in attendance. Plan now to be there.
Fall Corvette Road Tour
Each fall we have a two day, one night road tour through some of the most scenic parts of Indiana and near by states. We will spend the night in some unusual hotel/motel/inn. Also a chance to dine in some of the great out of the way restaurants. It is a great time to make some new Corvette friends.
Chapter Newsletter
The Indiana Chapter publishes the Points and Plugs, four times each year, to keep you informed of what the club is doing and when. We encourage members ads, parts wanted or for sale. We also publish hints and tips to save you time and money in the restoration of your Corvette.
Corvette Friends
The Indiana Chapter is a great place to make friends who share your love of the classic Corvette’s. They are from all walks of life and backgrounds. They are eager to meet you. You will be surprised to find how near you may be to some other Corvette nuts!
Now you know who we are and what we do. I would like to tell you just a few more things about the Indiana Chapter of the NCRS.
It is the aim of this chapter to make it possible to enjoy our cars and our NCRS friends here in Indiana. Our meets are normally held in Auburn, IN at the Auctions America grounds, the old Kruze Auction facilities. The facilities are nice and indoors. Don’t worry about the rain or shine. Other activities are held around the Indianpolis area and Road Tours that vary from the Ohio River area to Lake Michigan.
Annual chapter dues are only $20.00. You can join online right now while it is fresh in your mind. You can also fill out the membership form and mail it in if you prefer.
Join the National Corvette Restorers Society, if you are not already a member. Follow the link to find out more about the NCRS and to join. After you join the NCRS come back to our site and join the Indiana Chapter, or you can join directly from the national site.
The fall road tour is very reasonable in cost for the activities that we enjoy. The tour has the nickname of the Gourmet tour, but that is based on the quality places we eat not by the prices. The hotels and inns we have stayed at in the past have been very reasonably priced for the value received. A Corvette is not required for the fall road tour, but is encouraged. Join us and you may visit some wonderful places you didn’t know existed.
Most of the activities we have are suitable for children, and they are welcome.
So now you know who we are and what we do, you can print out the registration blank and fill it in, or join online and we will mail you our next Points and Plugs full of the activities that we have planed for the near future.
Chapter membership is limited to members of the National Corvette Restorers Society.
National Corvette Restorers Society
If you are not familiar with the National Corvette Restorers Society, called the NCRS, you will find plenty of information on their mission and activities on the website.
The website itself provides tons of information. The NCRS Technical Discussion Board where members share information and helpful tips to other members. Historic Document Services where the NCRS may be able to provide the original Shipping Data Report for your Corvette showing the dealer that received your car from GM, Document Validation Service where Window Stickers, Build Sheets and other documentation can be validated as genuine GM issues documentation. Also the Award Confirmation Service where a listing of all the NCRS Awards your car may have received in the past.
There is also a Dealer Code Database where you can find or share information on the dealer codes that GM assigned or assigns to each GM dealer. Check it all out. You will be impressed.
Sample Chapter Name Tag

Here is a sample name tag that is under consideration.